Richardson Kyocera AVX UBR microwave resistors

Made by Kyocera AVX, and called the UBR series, they measure 1 x 0.5 x 0.5mm and have a flexible termination.

“‘Flexiterm’ is a surface-mountable, automotive-qualified termination that adds an extra margin of protection against damage due to flexure during installation,” according to Richardson. “The use of glass sandwich technology and precision laser trimming reduces parasitic noise up to 40GHz.”

Seven values are offered: 25, 37.5, 43, 50, 75, 100 and 200Ω. Laser trimming is to 1%.

125mW can be handled, and operation is over -40 to +125°C.

“UBR Series is suitable for use in optical transceiver modules or broadband receivers, wideband test equipment, low-noise amplifiers, mixers, directional couplers, splitters and combiners.

Find the 200Ω UBR0402A201FZTR on this Richardson web page