SemiQ 62mm SiC Schottky half bridge

There are four parts, each measuring 62 x 106.5 x 17mm (plus terminals): two mosfet hald-bridges and two Schottky half-bridges, aimed at new designs as well as efficiency-boosting replacements in legacy systems.

1.2kV 62mm
power modules
 Configuration Current Rds(on)
GCMX003A120S7B1 SiC mosfet half-bridge 529A 3.0mΩ
GCMX005A120S7B1 SiC mosfet half-bridge 348A 4.9mΩ
GHXS300A120S7D5 SiC Schottky half-bridge 300A
GHXS400A120S7D5 SiC Schottky half-bridge 400A

Picking the 348A mosfet version, 4.9mΩ is the typical 200A value, which can be up to 7mΩmax. Typical 100A resistance is 4.8mΩ

Its intrinsic anti-parallel diodes have 1,745nC reverse recovery charge (200A, 600V, 13.4A/ns, -5Vg 25°C) and a forward voltage of 4.1V 200A 25°C) dropping to 3.6V at 150°C.

junction to case thermal resistance is typically 0.129°C/W (0.144°C/W max), and electrical isolation is 2.5kV (<1mA, 50/60Hz, 1min).

SemiQ 62mm SiC mosfet half bridge

“To guarantee a stable gate threshold voltage and gate oxide quality for each module,” said the company. “SemiQ conducts gate burn-in testing at the wafer level, which contributes to mitigating extrinsic failure rates. Gate stress, high-temperature reverse bias drain stress, high humidity, high voltage and high temperature [tests] are employed to attain the necessary automotive and industrial grade quality standards. All parts have undergone testing surpassing 1400V.”