TPS7H5001-SP block

Both can operate across 100kHz to 2MHz and with external synchronisation, and will work with silicon or GaN power transistors via suitable drivers. Both include a 0.613V +0.7%/-1% reference.

TPS7H5005-SEP packageTPS7H5005-SEP is the radiation-tolerant part

  • SEL, SEB, and SEGR immune to LET = 43MeVcm2/mg
  • SET and SEFI characterised to LET = 43 MeVcm2/mg
  • TID assured for every wafer lot up to 50krad(Si)
  • 24pin space-grade plastic TSSOP

    Au bondwire and NiPdAu lead finish

    Meets NASA ASTM E595 out-gassing

    One fabrication, assembly, and test site

    Extended product change notification

TPS7H5001-SP packageTPS7H5001-SP is the radiation-hardened part

  • RHA (radiation hardness assured) to TID 100krad(Si)
  • SEL, SEB, and SEGR immune to LET = 75MeVcm2/mg
  • SET and SEFI characterised to LET = 75MeVcm2/mg
  • No cross-conduction events for controller outputs observed during SET characterisation
  • Thermally-enhanced CFP

TPS7H5005-SEP appBoth controllers have a pair of anti-phase non-overlapping outputs with controlled dead-time, plus a pair of synchronised outputs to drive synchronous rectifiers – four outputs total for each IC.

For single-ended converter topologies, they allow control over maximum duty cycle.

Other features include: programmable slope compensation, soft-start and programmable leading edge blank time.

Potential applications include high-current buck converters for

FPGA core voltages.

Both of the above are the fully-featured devices in families generically named TPS7H500x-S(E)P product pages: