TI programmable logic device

TPLD801, with pale blue digital blocks and mixed-signal blocs in dark blue

InterConnect Studio is the programming tool for design, simulation and configuration “without the need for any software coding”, said TI. It “expedites the logic design process with a drag-and-drop GUI and integrated simulation. Designers also benefit from click-to-program”.

TI programmable logic packagesThe smallest one measures 2.1mm by 1.6mm with a 0.5mm pad pitch, and there are AEC Q-100 qualified automotove versions.

Picking the 8 pin TPLD801, it is intended to work across 1.65 to 5.5V and -40 to 125°C, and has five GPIO pins, one of which is an output enable and another of which doubles as a clock input. There is also a single general-purpose input only pin.

Inputs and outputs have all sorts of options, including: Schmidt or no Schmidt, pull-up or pull-down resistors (of three strengths), and totem-pole or open-drain (pmos or nmos). Outputs also get a choice of drive strength.

Inside are:

  • look-up tables (LUTs):
    Two 2bit
    Two 3bit
    Two 2bit (or D-type flip-flops/latches)
    Two 3bit (or D-type/latches with reset/set)
    One 3bit  (or pipe delay)
    One 4bit (or 8bit counter or delay generator)
  • Three 8bit counters or delay generators
  • One programmable deglitch filter or edge detector
  • One oscillator (25kHz or 2MHz)

Stand-by quiescent consumption is ~1μA, with the 25kHz oscillator adding ~10μA and the 2MHz oscillator adding ~70μA.

There are three basic devices, sometimes in two packages, also offered in automotive (-Q1) versions:

Device Package Evaluation module
12pin QFN TPLD1201-RWB-EVM
TPLD1201-Q1 10pin VSSOP TPLD1201-DGS-EVM
TPLD1202 14pin SOT TPLD1202-DYY-EVM
12pin QFN TPLD1202-RWB-EVM
TPLD1202-Q1 14pin SOT TPLD1202-DYY-EVM

TPLD1201 and TPLD1202 add analog comparators with adjustable voltage reference and hysteresis.

TPLD1202 adds a serial peripheral interface, I2C, a watchdog timer and a state machine.