By David Manners 20th June 2022

According to Scotten Jones, writing in SemiWiki, Intel is on track in its effort to catch up with Samsung and TSMC in process technology and regain industry leadership.

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  1. Intel invested $4bn in ASML in 2012 to support its EUV development. Some stiffing!

  2. Intel 7nm is delayed until late 2023. Smart money takes the over 2023. The latest intel excuse is shortage of equipment. True that. ASML bet the company on extreme UV. Intel refused to buy extreme UV and stiffed ASML. TSMC and Samsung bought the entire production run and Intel is SOL. The name of the game is Monopoly/Monopsony. Intel knows the rules. TSMC and Samsung have the monopsony.

  3. Of course you know that’s not true. Intel wont even have Intel 4 released by 2024.

    • It’s a plan QLord crystal balls can differ