The result is ‘Nano’, a current sensor that is compatible with Semikron’s DCM SiC power modules, which are rated at 750 or 1,200V and 200 to 1,000A.

“The idea behind the Nano concept was to design a core-based current sensor that could fit into the unused space between the top side of the power module and the gate driver board.” according to LEM. “This enables the footprint of the current sensor to overlap with the footprint of the power module. As a result, the Nano current sensor does not take up additional space in the inverter. Also, no additional components are required to fix the sensor mechanically and connect it electrically to the driver board.”

Semikron Danfoss DCM SiC mosfet moduleSemikron Danfoss, DCM power module

Electronics Weekly has requested more technical information and images. The only other fact LEM released so far is that DCM modules with the sensor satisfy IEC 60664-1 insulation requirements for 800V batteries.