WCH IC CH32V003 RiscV mcu

Called the CH32V003 series, they are based on the company’s own QingKe RISC-V2A core with a hardware interrupt stack and two-level interrupt nesting, supported by 16kbyte flash, 2kbyte ram and a ~2kbyte bootloader. There is also 64byte of non-volatile system configuration memory, 64byte of user-defined memory and a 64bit unique ID. A single-channel DMA controller is provided.

WCH CH32V003 riscV mcu

24MHz (factory-trimmed) and 128kHz oscillators are built-in, and there is support for external oscillators from 4 to 25MHz. A phase-locked loop clocks the processor at up to 48MHz.

Operation is across 2.7 to 5.5V (>2.9V for best ADC operation) and -40 to 85°C – and power reset as well as a programmable voltage detector is included. Consumption is a few mA.

The multi-channel (see table) ADC is 10bit and peripherals include a op-amp that can also act as a comparator, a PWM-capable 16bit general-purpose timer, and another 16bit timer with added three-phase PWM generator (complementary, six channels, with dead-band insertion) – both of these counters, for example, include a quadrature encoder interface mode, and the advanced timer is notably flexible. For the system there are two watchdogs and a 32bit tick source.

Serial interfaces include: a USART, I2C, sometimes SPI (see table), and a 1wire debug interface.

CH32V003.. GPIO SPI ADC package
..J4M6 6 6 channels SOP8
..A4M6 14 1 6 SOP16
..F4U6 18 1 8 QFN20
..F4P6 18 1 8 TSSOP20

The CH32V003 product page can be found here. Together, the data sheet and reference manual seem to have lots of information and are clearly written.

Development support is provided through an IDE dubbed ‘MounRiver Studio’ – Dave Jones over on EEV Blog has tried this.

Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics, the company behind the WCH (WinChipHead) brand, was founded in 2004 and is based in Nanjing. “Qinheng specialises in connectivity technology and MCU core development,” it said. “The company operates a full-stack development model based on self-developed transceiver PHY and processor IP. Qinheng provides Ethernet, Bluetooth, USB and PCI interface chips, alongside microcontrollers integrated with these interfaces.”