Silicon-based technologies have dominated the semiconductor industry for decades. However, there’s been a recent shift toward more advanced materials such as gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC). These wide bandgap semiconductors represent a significant leap in performance and efficiency. These advances are transforming multiple sectors, from consumer electronics to industrial power systems.

At the same time, procurement departments need to consider certain aspects of these devices which include cost, quality and availability. GaN and SiC semiconductors are pricey, prone to defects and have a somewhat limited materials supply chain. Semiconductor manufacturers are actively addressing those issues.

Gallium nitride and silicon carbide boast several intrinsic properties that make them superior to traditional silicon.

Experimental gallium nitride and silicon carbide transistor

The technological superiority of WBG semiconductors

Gallium nitride and silicon carbide boast several intrinsic properties that make them superior to traditional silicon. They possess a wider bandgap, translating to higher breakdown voltages, improved thermal stability, greater reliability, and enhanced efficiency at high frequencies and power levels. These attributes are particularly advantageous in power electronics — like inverters and renewable energy systems — where efficiency and thermal management are critical.

GaN has high electron mobility, making it ideal for high-frequency applications. It enables faster switching speeds, reduced energy losses and smaller device footprints. These properties make GaN particularly attractive for microwave applications, such as those in 5G telecommunications and radar systems. On the other hand, SiC’s robustness at high voltages and temperatures makes it a preferred choice for high-power applications, including electric vehicle (EV) powertrains, renewable energy systems and industrial machinery.

Several market forces have driven the transition to GaN and SiC. The demand for energy-efficient solutions is paramount as industries strive to meet strict environmental regulations and reduce operational costs. GaN and SiC devices have significantly lower energy consumption than power conversion systems, which is a compelling proposition for industries focused on sustainability.

Electric vehicles are a prime example of this shift. SiC’s ability to operate at higher voltages and temperatures allows for more efficient power electronics, leading to extended range and reduced charging times. Major automotive manufacturers and suppliers have recognized these benefits and increasingly integrate SiC-based components into their designs.

Similarly, GaN’s superior performance in high-frequency applications has catalyzed its adoption in telecommunications. Deploying 5G networks requires components that can handle higher frequencies and voltages and deliver greater efficiency. GaN semiconductors, with their ability to operate at these high frequencies and voltages, are becoming indispensable in the infrastructure that supports next-generation wireless communication.

Other advancements include the introduction of nanoparticles in GaN and SiC substrate development. Nanoparticles are tiny particles — sometimes called nanocrystals because of their appearance — usually between 1 to 100 nanometers in size. They’re a cost-effective solution enabling the manufacturing of various economical devices, such as fuel and solar cells. Their higher surface-area-to-volume ratio compared to bulk materials significantly enhances performance.

Despite their advantages, GaN and SiC semiconductors face challenges that could impede widespread adoption.

Experimental gallium nitride and silicon carbide transistor

This characteristic improves efficiency and reduces material usage in energy applications. In health care, nanoparticles offer superior functionality in drug delivery and diagnostic systems. Consequently, nanoparticle technology drives cost reductions and performance improvements across multiple sectors.

Manufacturing and procurement implications

Despite their advantages, GaN and SiC semiconductors face challenges that could impede widespread adoption. The manufacturing processes for these materials are more complex and consistent than those for silicon. Substrate availability, defect density, and epitaxial growth techniques are critical for ongoing research and development.

One of the primary procurement issues is the high cost. They’re significantly more expensive to produce, primarily due to the complexities in their growth processes. For instance, the epitaxial growth required for high-quality GaN and SiC layers involves advanced techniques that are costlier and less mature than those used for silicon.

Additionally, the availability of large-diameter wafers is limited, raising costs and affecting manufacturing processes’ scalability. This cost barrier can deter some industries, particularly those that operate on thin margins, from adopting these advanced semiconductors.

The supply chain and quality control pose additional challenges. The relatively nascent state of GaN and SiC manufacturing means fewer suppliers can consistently produce high-quality materials. This can lead to bottlenecks and increased lead times, complicating companies’ planning and production schedules relying on these components.

Moreover, ensuring device reliability and sensitivity requires stringent quality control measures. The higher defect densities and the sensitivity of these materials to impurities necessitate rigorous testing and validation processes, adding to the overall procurement complexity.

However, the industry is making substantial strides in addressing these challenges. Advancements in bulk production, epitaxial growth, and device fabrication steadily reduce costs and improve the quality of GaN and SiC devices. Moreover, as economies of scale are achieved, the price disparity with silicon is expected to narrow, making wide bandgap semiconductors more accessible.

The trajectory for GaN and SiC appears promising. The continuous push for energy efficiency, coupled with the burgeoning demand in sectors such as EVs and telecommunications, will likely accelerate the adoption of these advanced materials. Industry stakeholders, from semiconductor manufacturers to end user/end-user industries, increasingly recognize the value of GaN and SiC.

Incorporating GaN and SiC in the supply chain

The shift toward gallium nitride and silicon carbide is significant for the semiconductor industry. Their superior electrical properties and the growing demand for efficient, high-performance electronic devices drive this transition. While challenges remain, technological advancements and clear market demand indicate that GaN and SiC will be pivotal in the future of semiconductor technology.

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