The previous article in this series introduced the transformer-coupled voltage-switching (TCVS) Class D amplifier. In this article, we’ll learn about another transformer-coupled Class D configuration—the transformer-coupled current-switching (TCCS) amplifier. We’ll go over the principles of its operation, analyze its performance, and work through an example where we determine its circuit parameters for a given load and output power.
The TCCS circuit is the final Class D amplifier we’ll cover in this series. For that reason, we’ll wrap up the article by comparing the requirements of the different Class D configurations we’ve discussed, including the TCCS amplifier.
The TCCS Configuration
Figure 1 shows the schematic of the TCCS amplifier.
Figure 1. Transformer-coupled current-switching Class D amplifier.
The TCVS schematic from the previous article is reproduced in Figure 2. Let’s briefly go over the similarities and differences between the two amplifiers.
Figure 2. Transformer-coupled voltage-switching (TCVS) Class D amplifier.
We’ll start with the similarities. Both amplifiers use a center-tapped input transformer (T2) to produce opposite-polarity signals from the input signal. The center tap of T2 is connected to ground; the opposite-polarity signals at the secondary of T2 are used to drive two transistors (Q1 and Q2) hard enough that they act as switches. Q1 and Q2 operate on alternating half-cycles of the input signal.
Both circuits also use an output transformer (T1) to combine the collector currents. In the TCVS configuration, however, the center tap of T1 is directly connected to the power supply (VCC). The TCCS amplifier connects the center tap to VCC through an RF choke (RFC). Having a reactance of infinity at the switching frequency, the RF choke blocks AC currents and forces a constant current into the transformer center tap.
The center tap of T1 is one of the two major differences between the configurations. The second difference is the load network. Unlike the voltage-switching arrangement, which uses a series RLC circuit as its load, the current-switching amplifier has a parallel RLC network at the output.
Operation of the TCCS Amplifier
During each half-cycle of operation, a current (Idc) is forced by the RF choke into the center tap of the output transformer (T1). It then passes through one of the two switches (the transistors Q1 and Q2) before reaching ground.
The simplified diagrams in Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the TCCS amplifier’s operation over two consecutive half-cycles. The ideal switches S1 and S2 take the place of Q1 and Q2, respectively.
Figure 3. The TCCS amplifier when S1 is closed and S2 is open (Q1 is ON and Q2 is OFF).
Figure 4. The TCCS amplifier when S1 is open and S2 is closed (Q1 is OFF and Q2 is ON).
In Figure 3, S1 is closed and S2 is open. Idc therefore passes through S1 (i1 = Idc). Since S2 is open, no current can flow through the lower path (i2 = 0). In the next half-cycle (Figure 4), S1 is open and S2 is closed, leading to i1 = 0 and i2 = Idc. Assuming that S1 is open and S2 is closed in the first half-cycle, we obtain the current waveforms in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Current waveforms for i1 and i2 over two full cycles of operation.
As we can see, the collector currents (i1 and i2) are square waves switching between 0 and Idc. Note that Idc is still an unknown parameter—we won’t be able to find its value until the end of our analysis. For now, we need to determine the current flowing through the secondary of T1. This current is denoted by i3 in the diagrams above.
Depending on the half-cycle, the current delivered by the choke passes through either the upper or lower half of the primary winding. Therefore, due to the transformer action, the amplitude of the current in the secondary winding is (m/n)Idc. However, the direction of this current alternates between half-cycles. Figure 6 shows the current waveform for i3 over two full cycles of operation.
Figure 6. The secondary current waveform over two cycles of operation.
To understand why i3 switches between (m/n)Idc and –(m/n)Idc, we need to consider Figure 5’s collector current waveforms in context of the circuit diagrams. During the first half-cycle, the current delivered by the choke passes through the lower half of the primary winding. Since it enters the dotted end of the primary winding, the secondary current exits the dotted end, leading to i3 = (m/n)Idc.
In the next half-cycle, however, the choke’s current flows through the upper half of the primary winding. Since the primary current exits the dotted end of that winding, the output current enters the dotted end of the secondary winding. We therefore have i3 = –(m/n)Idc.
Analyzing the Performance of the TCCS Amplifier
A 50% duty cycle square wave contains all odd harmonics (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.). Using the Fourier series representation, we can express the square wave current in Figure 6 in terms of its constituent frequency components:
$$i_3~=~frac{4}{pi} frac{m}{n}I_{dc} sum_{p=1}^{infty}frac{sin((2p~-~1)omega_{0}t)}{2p~-~1}$$
Equation 1.
The current-switching circuit applies the sum of all these harmonic components to the load network. However, a high-Q parallel RLC circuit tuned to the switching frequency presents a very small impedance to all of the current’s frequency components except for the fundamental component. At the fundamental frequency, the RLC circuit exhibits a resistance of RL. As a result, all output current harmonics are shorted and only the fundamental component flows into the load resistor (RL).
Denoting the current through RL as iout, we have:
$$i_{out}~=~frac{4}{pi} frac{m}{n}I_{dc} sin(omega_0 t)$$
Equation 2.
The peak value of iout is equal to (frac{4}{pi} frac{m}{n} I_{dc}). The RMS value of iout (irms) is equal to the peak value divided by the square root of 2. Knowing that, we can now calculate the average power delivered to the load:
$$P_{L} ~=~ R_L i_{rms}^2 ~=~ frac{8}{pi^2} (frac{m}{n})^2 {I_{dc}^2}{R_L}$$
Equation 3.
The snag is that we still don’t know Idc, the current passing through the choke. Until we do, Equation 3 isn’t useful to us. To find Idc, we need to investigate the circuit further.
Calculating the Current Through the RF Choke
Assume that the RF choke is ideal. Since that’s the case, no DC voltage drops across it. The DC component of the voltage at the output transformer’s center tap is therefore equal to VCC. This piece of information is crucial to finding Idc.
To find the voltage waveform for the transformer’s center tap, we first use Equation 2 to determine the voltage across the transformer’s secondary winding:
$$v_{out}~=~frac{4}{pi} frac{m}{n}I_{dc} R_L sin(omega_0 t)$$
Equation 4.
Because of the voltage-scaling function of the transformer, the voltage across each segment of the primary winding is therefore:
$$v_{p}~=~frac{4}{pi} (frac{m}{n})^2 I_{dc} R_L sin(omega_0 t)$$
Equation 5.
Figure 7 provides a simplified diagram of the circuit during the first half-cycle (Q1: OFF, and Q2: ON). The relevant voltage quantities (vout and vp) are shown in purple.
Figure 7. Voltages when Q1 is OFF and Q2 is ON.
Consider nodes C, D, and E in the figure above. Nodes C and D are located at the collectors of Q1 and Q2, respectively. Node E appears at the center tap of T1. In this half-cycle, the node voltages are as follows:
vC = 2vp
vD = 0
vE = vp
Note that nodes E and C have sinusoidal voltages.
Figure 8 shows the next half-cycle (Q1: ON and Q2: OFF).
Figure 8. Voltages when Q1 is ON and Q2 is OFF.
For this half-cycle, the node voltages are:
vC = 0
vD = –2vp
vE = –vp
The voltages at nodes E and D are sinusoidal during this half-cycle. However, they are inverted with respect to vp and vout.
Figure 9 shows voltage waveforms for these nodes, along with the output, over one full cycle of operation.
Figure 9. From top to bottom: voltage waveforms at the output, node D, node C, and node E.
In the above figure, A1 and A2 are the amplitudes of vout and vE, respectively. A1 is simply the peak value of vout in Equation 4:
$$A_{1}~=~frac{4}{pi} frac{m}{n}I_{dc} R_L$$
Equation 6.
Depending on the half-cycle, vE is equal to either vp or –vp. Taking the peak value of vp from Equation 5, we obtain:
$$A_{2}~=~ frac{4}{pi} (frac{m}{n})^2 I_{dc} R_L$$
Equation 7.
A full-wave rectified sinusoid of amplitude A2 has a DC component of 2A2/π. Therefore, the average component of vE is:
$$v_{E, ave} ~=~ frac{2}{pi} ~times~ Big ( frac{4}{pi} (frac{m}{n})^2 I_{dc} R_L Big ) ~=~ frac{8}{pi^2} (frac{m}{n})^2 I_{dc} R_L$$
Equation 8.
We mentioned earlier that the average component of the voltage at the output transformer’s center tap (node E) is VCC. Substituting VCC for vE, ave in the above equation, we can solve for Idc:
$$I_{dc} ~=~ frac{pi^2}{8} (frac{n}{m})^2 frac{V_{CC}}{R_L}$$
Equation 9.
At last, by substituting Idc from Equation 9 into Equation 3, we obtain the output power:
$$P_{L} ~=~ frac{pi^2}{8} (frac{n}{m})^2 frac{V_{CC}^2}{R_L}$$
Equation 10.
Now that we know Idc, we can also find a simple equation for the maximum voltage at the collectors. In Figure 9, we saw that vC and vD—the two collector voltages—both have a peak value of 2A2. Combining Equations 9 and 7 leads to:
$$A_{2}~=~ frac{pi}{2} V_{CC}$$
Equation 11.
The maximum voltage drop across the transistors is 2A2 = πVCC.
We’re now ready to find the TCCS amplifier’s efficiency. This is the last performance parameter we’ll examine before we move on.
Calculating the Efficiency
The efficiency is calculated by comparing the output power and the input power. We know the output power from Equation 10. As for the input power, it’s equal to the supply voltage (VCC) multiplied by the average value of the supply current (Idc). Therefore, from Equation 9, the input power is:
$$P_{CC} ~=~ V_{CC} I_{dc} ~=~ frac{pi^2}{8} (frac{n}{m})^2 frac{V_{CC}^2}{R_L}$$
Equation 12.
This is identical to the power delivered to the load, which means that the theoretical efficiency of this amplifier is 100%. Note that this is the ideal efficiency. In practice, the circuit’s efficiency may be degraded by non-idealities such as parasitic inductances in series with the collector leads.
Example: Determining Maximum Transistor Voltage and Current for a TCCS Amplifier
Now that we’ve completed our analysis, let’s find the supply voltage, maximum switch current, and maximum switch voltage for a TCCS circuit that delivers 20 W to a 50 Ω load. For simplicity, we’ll assume that the turns ratio (n/m) is unity.
We know that PL = 20, RL = 50, and n/m. To find the supply voltage (VCC), we first plug those numbers into Equation 10:
$$P_{L} ~=~ frac{pi^2}{8} (frac{n}{m})^2 frac{V_{CC}^2}{R_L} ~~rightarrow~~ 20~=~ frac{pi^2}{8} ~times~ 1 ~times~ frac{V_{CC}^2}{50}$$
Equation 13.
We then solve for VCC:
$$V_{CC}~=~ sqrt{frac{20 ~times~ 50 ~times~ 8}{pi ^2}}~=~28.47~text{V}$$
Equation 14.
Next, let’s calculate the maximum switch current. From Figure 5, this is equal to Idc. Equation 9 produces:
$$I_{dc} ~=~ frac{pi^2}{8} (frac{n}{m})^2 frac{V_{CC}}{R_L} ~=~ frac{pi^2}{8} ~times~ 1 ~times~ frac{28.47}{50}~=~0.7 ~text{A}$$
Equation 15.
Finally, we know from Figure 9 that the maximum voltage across the collector-emitter of each switch transistor is 2A2. Applying Equation 11, we obtain:
$$2A_2~=~ pi V_{CC}~=~pi~times~28.47~=~89.44~text{V}$$
Equation 16.
To deliver 20 W to a 50 Ω load, the TCCS amplifier requires a supply voltage of 28.47 V. Its transistors must be able to tolerate a maximum switch current of 0.7 A and a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 89.44 V.
Which Class D Amplifier Provides the Best Performance?
We previously worked through the same example for a TCVS amplifier and a basic voltage-switching Class D amplifier. Table 1 summarizes the results alongside those for the TCCS amplifier. All three circuits were designed to deliver 20 W to a 50 Ω load.
Table 1. Requirements for three different Class D configurations to deliver 20 W to a 50 Ω load.
Configuration | Supply Voltage | Max Switch Voltage | Max Switch Current |
Basic voltage-switching | 70.20 | 70.20 | 0.89 |
TCVS | 35.10 | 70.20 | 0.89 |
TCCS | 28.47 | 89.44 | 0.70 |
Based on that data, how do the three configurations stack up against each other?
The basic voltage-switching Class D amplifier requires a significantly higher supply voltage than either of the transformer-coupled configurations. Its transistors must handle the same maximum current and voltage as the TCVS amplifier. Compared to the TCVS circuit, the TCCS arrangement requires a lower supply voltage and maximum switch current. However, it increases the voltage stress across the transistor collector-emitter.
The TCVS and TCCS circuits provide comparable performance—there seems to be no absolute winner here. Depending on the supply voltage and available transistor parameters, either configuration might be the right choice. Note that the transistors’ frequency of operation is one of the parameters that should be taken into account—with a square wave collector current, the transistors need to switch faster.
Wrapping Up
In this article, we examined the operation and performance of the transformer-coupled current-switching Class D amplifier. This is the final Class D configuration we’ll discuss. In the next article, we’ll examine some limitations of Class D power amplifiers and explain how they can be addressed by Class E amplifiers.
All images used courtesy of Steve Arar